viernes, 11 de junio de 2021

7 years latter

 Here I am, it's been 7 years since I started this blog, I didn’t even know if I had closed it, but I didn't! And, after 2020 (WHAT A YEAR!!!) moving through 2021 I got back to study, first Pathway Connect, during the hardest year (2020), and now doing Social Media Marketing, my first certificate. How did I end in this certificate? Well... When you are doing Pathway you can choose a certificate, and I decided to do so. At the beginning I thought I could do the ones that are similar to ontological coaching, this is what I truly like. But every time I took the survey - even changing the answers - the first option was Social Media Marketing. So, I pondered this idea and felt prompted to follow this path. I was so nervous, and thinking all the time this wasn't the right option... And even when I liked the introductory subject, I still doubted. When I did the second one, I got more into the idea, I use social media since 2008, in several platforms, so I was familiar with many of them. Plus, during 2020 and what's been of 2021 things have changed a lot, and "online" is the language. I'm still scared, I'm still pondering what am I going to do with this knowledge, yet I can see myself as a communicator, which is the degree at the end of this career. 

Life has changed; I have changed. I don’t know what life has for me, but I’m willing to strive, and move along with life.

Oh, and that is my lovely bobtail Uma, she's also part of the process.